The Arizona HIDTA employs a balanced approach between supply reduction and demand reduction with regard to enforcement, prevention, and treatment.  This multi-faceted approach is critical to effectively impacting drug abuse rates, drug-related crime, and drug trafficking in the Arizona HIDTA region. 

The Arizona HIDTA has expanded community partnerships and enhanced existing relationships with community coalitions by developing and participating in drug awareness, drug prevention, and education programs. 

By partnering with the treatment and demand reduction communities, the Arizona HIDTA and member agencies have had a greater impact on drug abuse and crime, especially among children and young adults, which threaten the stability of the family structure.

The Arizona HIDTA is a partner in the Marijuana Harmless? Think Again! public awareness project, which includes a statewide media campaign to raise awareness about the harmful short and long-term effects of marijuana use and implementation of effective prevention strategies to reduce substance abuse in the state. 

Prevention has been integrated into the Arizona HIDTA Training Program curricula.  Statistics and other information on drug trends have become an important component of courses related to narcotics investigation and prosecution.  Students are presented with a comprehensive approach to drug abuse that goes beyond traditional law enforcement tools, as well as demand reduction resources available to their communities.

The Stronger Together initiative was established as a bi-annual training platform for law enforcement and community members to learn about new trends, share strategies, network, problem solve among colleagues, and strengthen community/law enforcement relations.  Attendees receive Toolkits and educational materials targeting prescription drug and marijuana prevention that can be shared with the public in both English and Spanish.

Statewide efforts by Arizona HIDTA Initiatives include participation in the Drug Take Back program sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration, community awareness events, and school presentations. 

The Arizona HIDTA has worked to build coalitions with Native American communities to reduce drug abuse and is actively involved in conducting outreach, training, and coordination with Arizona tribal communities.

Extensive resources can be found at Partnership to End Addiction..